Student Solution


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4.6 Assignment: How were you socialized to think about cannabis?

4.6 Assignment

Q Using complete sentences, respond to the following prompt. Responses should be 350+ words and incorporate sociological concepts and terms from your reading. Identify at least 2 different agents of socialization responsible for influencing your perspective on cannabis. Explain their role in socializing you into ideas, beliefs, and values surrounding cannabis. (If you can't recall anyone influencing you about cannabis, that matters too!! Reflect on that.) Reflect on how your perspective and values have evolved, and what situations and factors have influenced your evolution of thought. In what ways does cannabis relate to your social identity? You can reference any of the theories of development here, such as Cooley's Looking Glass Self, Mead's Theory of Childhood Development, or the Theory of Moral Development. In "Cannabis Use and Social Identity" Hammersley argues that there is no abject "cannabis user" identity anymore (the socially constructed deviant cannabis user), but instead we all identify ourselves - and are identified by others - differently in different settings. That sometimes cannabis is central to certain experiences and environments, and sometimes it is not, and that we choose how we negotiate our relation to it based on the setting (whether we are using it or not). Do you agree with Hammersley here? Why or why not?

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The most important agent of socialization is our family. However, I was discouraged from using cannabis earlier as it was illegal. Earlier, cannabis was compared to other drugs and was considered to be a drug too. So, I was not encouraged to talk about it. However, things changed when I became a part of a social workgroup. What I learned from the group has changed my perspective about cannabis.